Utkarsh Singh
AGI can't come soon enough


Links broken for now. Still porting. This message will disappear when it’s done.

  • CBRE-EX - Fork of CBRE by juanjp600, with QOL features.
  • Bluechirp - An open-source UWP client for Mastodon, with the sleek design of modern Windows.
  • Sharp8 - An open-source CHIP-8 emulator written in .NET with lots of comments.
  • Half-Life VOX Generator - Generate sentences from the beloved Black Mesa announcer, VOX!
  • FileM0ver - Piece of software not suitable for wide usage; made for specific purpose.
  • Discord Link Helper - Store your favourite GIFs and Videos in an unfinished Windows Forms app.
  • FlagPFP-GUI - Add multiple pride flags as a circular frame to images.
  • GodotPSX - A small pack of shaders for Godot that replicate the old PS1 look.
  • utksi.github.io - The website you are watching right now!
  • BSOD Sweeper - Nuke your computer with one wrong guess!
  • VoxMicrophone - Similar to Half-Life VOX Generator, but realtime!
  • KmdfBugchecker - Kernel mode driver that lets any user space application bugcheck the computer with ANY stop code!
  • Bugcheck-Communicator - Communicate with KMDF-Bugchecker from a simple program!
  • BSODMachine - Program that exploits NtRaiseHardError to raise a BSOD easily!
  • SvcHostDestroyer - Kills svchost.exe and BSODs the system.
  • KmdfMandelcheck - Fun little kernel driver that displays an image after a BSOD.
Game Mods
  • UltrakillPrideRadiance - A simple ULTRAKILL mod that adds pride flags to radiant enemies.
  • CharacterRadar - A simple Baldi's Basics Plus mod that adds character arrows to the map.
  • FlagPFP-Core - The core of FlagPFP-GUI.
  • SharpCat - Get cute cat and dog images from the web.
  • HookPlusPlus - Trampoline hooks for Win32, made EXTREMELY easy.
  • Matcha - Simple logging library for C#, compatible with .NET Standard.
  • ChicagoCRT - Minimal MSVCRT replacement, designed for Windows 95. Fork of MiniCRT.
Blitz Userlibs
  • Blitzcord - Blitz userlib that allows BlitzBasic to use the Discord Game SDK.
  • BlitzConsole - Blitz userlib that allows BlitzBasic to open Win32 console windows, and write to them.
  • BlitzHash - Blitz userlib that allows BlitzBasic to use the SHA hashing algorithm to hash strings.
Discord Bots
  • Samm-Bot - SammBot is my most advanced bot yet, used in 4 servers at the time of this writing.
Operating Systems
  • NoraOS - Megalithic kernel thing, development halted.