Utkarsh Singh
AGI can't come soon enough

Home Page

Still porting. Everything will eventually be here. This message will disappear when it happens.

Hi! Welcome to my personal website. I’m Utkarsh.

  • Primary OS: endeavourOS
  • Secondary OS: macOS
  • Primary IDE: VSCode 2024
  • Secondary IDE: neovim (Dots here)

What I read [-3:0]

Research notes [-3:0]

Personal [-3:0]

Languages I use/know/used/used-to-know:

Holds mostly true till a couple years ago. Now I have picked up fortran! huehuehue.

Here’s a list of programming languages I work with or have worked with before!

Python I do most of my work with this.
Fortran Most solvers I work with are written in F2003 or F2008 standard.
C I use it for low-level things.
C++ For my usecase it's not very useful (python wrapper works).
Java 死ぬ
JavaScript Not bad.
HTML Useful. Simple.
CSS Useful - yes (prettifier). Necessary - no (simple is best).